Wednesday, January 27, 2010

4am is the new 8am

One of the hardest parts of the first trimester is the exhaustion. So ridiculously tired that you actually go lay down on the bathroom floor in the handicap stall at work kind of exhausted (don't judge!). It was always made better though when I would return home at 630 and promptly go up to bed. I could sleep for almost 12 wonderful hours. 

There was a very real point in the first trimester where you were so mean to me baby sergio that I promised you that you would end up an only child! But then around week 12 or 13 a glorious thing happened where I actually remembered who I was again. I felt normal. I wasn't sneaking away to bathrooms to shut my eyes for 10 minutes. Your dad appreciated this because I was spending time with him at night instead of going up to bed. 

It seemed to be a mean joke though. Are you laughing little baby? It's not funny. The exhaustion is back, but this time around I can't get those 12 glorious hours of sleep, I can barley get 5. I usually fall asleep around 11, then I'm up at 2 and again at 4. When 4 comes around I am WIDE awake. Which confuses pancake and cherrio and they think its time to play, which disrupts daddy, which makes him toss and turn. Ultimately making it impossible for me to fall back asleep. When I am able to doze back off around 530/6 your father's alarm goes off. 

This is making for a very cranky mommie. 

Yes, this is how I feel. 

Your dad seems to be putting up with it and trying not to notice or take offensive when I ask him to do things like breath quieter! Yes, I have made such unreasonable requests.

So how about we make a deal, lets give me back my energy so I am not so tired and cranky and I will buy you a pony! Sounds good? Okay then!

the mom