Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Are you just so ready to have this baby already...?"

I don't think i can even count the amount of times i am asked this question per week. Everyone seems to expect me to say "oh my yes- im so miserable i just want to have the baby already". Is that what i am supposed to be feeling- did no one tell me this?

While there are many very sucky things about pregnancy right now, ie...

- the only shoes i can wear are old navy flip flops (ew i had no idea how ugly fat swollen feet/ankles are. i dont seem to be the only one who thinks so because anyone who sees my feet get a disgusted look of horror and i so don't blame them one bit!) 
- i am exhausted
- i cry about everything (including the bug that was on the couch the other night- am i the only one being overtaken by stinkbugs?)
- i can no longer wear my bracelets or rings
- its way harder to get around (have you ever actually experienced being stuck in your bed and having a moment of panic that you just might not be able to roll yourself out! its crazy)

..but overall i really am perfectly content. I enjoy feeling little elbows move across my stomach. Your hiccups make me laugh. I love that at night when we get into bed it seems to be your cue to start dancing around and your dad gets to feel and watch the show. 

The truth is i am not ready. I do hate all the attention of being pregnant but im not ready to be done with it yet. I don't feel prepared,  your room is no where near done. I am terrified of the actual labor process. And i am really not ready to give you up to the world yet. So to all the people who feel compelled to ask, the answer is no. I am happy just the way things are thanks. 

(mind you in 8 more weeks when i am fully cooked i might feel differently about this, but until then i stand by my answer)

the mom