Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sergie, Pergie, Puddin' Pie...

We like to rhyme in our house. You dad will often make up little songs, that rhyme. Because he thinks he is a wrapper.  And I make up little "life lessons. Because I am a dork. These two are used on a daily basis in our house and you will get to know them well. 

Sharing is caring.

Stealing is done by those with no feelings. 

Currently we have to use them to remind the dogs to share their toys and stop taking things that are not theirs. You may think this is a total waste, and that dogs cannot learn such life lessons. You would be wrong. If you say the same thing over and over to someone, followed by an action, anyone will learn what the phrase means, even a dog. They have grown up learning these things and you will too. 

the mom